Below is some of the feedback I received from clients of the trial sessions of Angelic Reiki I conducted prior offering it professionally.
Please do bear in mind that each person’s path through life is unique and each Angelic Reiki session is particular to that individual at that moment in time, just as your session (and outcome) will be unique to YOU. Although results can be immediate and dramatic results can also be so subtle that you hardly notice them happening but, looking back 6 months later, you can see the phenomenal changes which have been set in motion.
“I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders….The most normal I’ve felt in ages.”
“I’m doing things differently. Feel less on edge. Enjoying more.”
“I felt the pain I’ve had in my neck for 13 years move down the left side of my body and shoot out through my foot! It used to go up over my head and affected my vision. Before I had Angelic Reiki the only thing that had ever touched the pain was acupuncture and only whilst it was actually being done. Amazing!!”
“I saw a huge reduction in the swelling in my ankle and my bruising faded very quickly.”
“Awful pain was affecting my mobility and thinking processes. I notice a big difference. The pain receded and continued to do so over time. I’m feeling more positive and more able to get about. I’m mentally more alert and it’s made a huge difference in my feeling of wellbeing. And I’m calmer. Improvements continued beyond the 3rd session and were maintained 9 months later. I’m very pleased with the outcome.”
“I feel more at peace with the situation and am coping with it so much better.”
“I woke up the next day feeling great! More myself, ready for the world. Better than I have felt for a long long time.”
“Very relaxing. Very quickly. I felt utterly safe.”
“My breathing changed from shallow to very deep. Total relaxation.”
“I relaxed more at the 2nd session once I knew what to expect.”
“I felt light- a feeling of weightlessness and my mind chatter ceased.”
“I felt as if I was floating and then being stretched.”
“I felt like the energy was being drawn into me like a magnet.”
“I felt something flowing from my feet up my leg. It felt as if there was balancing …or equalising going on.”
“I felt a gentle tingling all over.”
” Professional… but warm and engaging at the same time.”
” Born to do this work!”