I prefer to see you in person as I feel there is something special about connecting with a fellow human being in this way but if, for whatever reason this is not possible we can arrange for your session to take place by Distant Healing.
I know that it may be hard to wrap our heads around this concept (or healing itself come to that!) but this is a highly effective method of delivering energy healing. I have personally experienced it at times of crisis and know the difference it made to me.
How does a distant healing session work?
I run a distant Healing session just the same way I do an ‘in person’ session.
Usually I would telephone you at the appointed hour to say hello/meet and greet. Then, instead of you filling in the client consultation/ consent form I talk you through it and complete on your behalf before beginning the session.
I recommend that you lie down in a comfortable position with your own hands on your chest and tummy as if you were coming in for an Angelic Reiki treatment. If this doesn’t feel comfortable for you just place them where ever feels right (by your side or on your tummy).
It’s good also to be snug and warm under a cosy blanket at a time and place where you will not be disturbed for at least an hour.
I will let you know when I am beginning treatment and when it will conclude and I will do exactly what I would do as if you were in the same room as me. Energy travels through time and space in an instant and you will receive it as if you were in the room with me.
I would then talk to you briefly by phone (or text if you prefer) just to ensure all is well with you before ending the session.
Payment would be made upon booking your session and this can be done by Bank Transfer to my account or via PayPal @ paypal.me/theangelworks